воскресенье, 16 декабря 2007 г.

Rustam Rahimov

My name is Rustam Rahimov. I was born in 1988. For my first school I went to school № 44 in 1994. I finished this school in 2005 year and entered the Azerbaijan University the same year. As my groupmeets I study in the faculty of International Relations, IV course. I began my first public activity in 2003 year when I studied in the 9th form. It was a NGO (non govermental organization) which calls Association of the Young Azerbaijani Friends in Europe. In 26.03.2007 I with my friends (Elshen& Orkhan) created the student organization which calls Association of the Azerbaijani Students Development. Interested people could visit: atia_au.sitemynet.om/aasd/
For current moment İ have two friends from our group (451). They are Kamil and Elshen. Kamil and Elshen are my supporters in our group and I deeply approciate it. That is all for now.


Signuture: Rustam Rahimli (blog moderator)

2 комментария:

Ceyn комментирует...

you should know her????
what does it mean?????
it is my question for you..

Rehimli комментирует...

ay rustem bu blogun saati sehvdi onu duzeltginen.

Hormetle: Rehimli